Thursday 25 March 2010

First Day home....

So I'm back home in good old Reading. It feels good to be home, however the entire car journey home did consist with a massive blow up with my mother about general shit, but that's sorted....good start! HA.
Spent the evening at the pub with the family and boyfriend, had a lovely dinner, however i did find it to resist a burger on this bloody diet I'm on!!! When i got back I watched Grey's antinomy with my brother, which i now am addicted to. We were joined my our two 'monkey dogs'...they little are what they sound like...dogs that look like monkey's!

Look here's a picture to prove it! See I'm not lying it's true.

Well im going to hop off to bed now, early start tomorrow, starting the local gym! aha :)

Love Scarlet xxx

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Hello All!

Hi Guys,

I'm new to this whole blogging thing, I thought I'd give it a try. Hopefully your'll like reading what I waffle on about, useless nothing-ness most probably! Ha. But I cant help that I like to talk alot!
I'm quite excited tonight as im off back home tomorrow afternoon for Easter, which im soooo excited about. No doubt there'll be endless messy nights with the girls, as we haven't been fully re-united since xmas! Just been enjoying my evening of packing for my hols, this consisted of 3 VERY large suitcases, a holder and of course a bag full of dirty washing! I know what your thinking...typical student! ha. The idea of having a home cooked meal every night for a whole months seems like a dream, after 3 months of very dry chicken and some sort of attempted tomato sauce......
Anywho's my lovelies im off to bed, 9am start tomorrow, ER!

Love Scarlet xxx