Wednesday 9 February 2011

Dazed&Confused here i come....

Hello all, well as you may tell from the heading of this post i am in fact the luckiest girl in the world! I have managed to secure a months intern ship at Dazed&Confused in May - thanks to my Uncle who has a connection to a lady who works in the PR section.

I am obviously so, sooo excited but i can't help but be terrified! What if it all 'devil wears prada'??? That wouldn't be good, but i'm sure it won't be and i just need to man up. I'll probably be stuck with boring jobs like being the runner, getting coffee and tea for everyone, doing mundane paper work etc...but STILL, how exciting? Its another experience to add to my CV and help me work out for myself what i want to do in life?? Which i still really don't know, at the moment i'm too occupied in watching Gossip Girl (which i only started from season one a few weeks ago!) than concentrating on what i'm going to do with my life! Not good.

Any way i'm off to try and attempt some uni work that's desperately needs to be done.

Love Scarlet xxx